Home | alder hollow. Tribe of Rushing Water Territory | Warriors Vitality The nettlepatch outside the den is where warriors usually eat their prey and share stories about their day. This symmetrical stone hollow, enclosed by towering cliffs of sheer stone left behind by Twolegs, is the base of Thunderclan's territory. According to legend it was Thunderstar who insisted on it's more compassionate elements. the leaders are always glad to have new cats! ThunderClan Camp | Warrior Cat RP Wiki | Fandom ThunderClan | A Warrior's Heart Wiki | Fandom Their camp is a shallow scoop in the ground that helps protect them from weather and enimies It was founded by Wind Runner, who worked with Thunder, River Ripple, Tall Shadow, and Clear Sky to develop the warrior code. What??? Their camp is an abandoned Twoleg quarry, called the stone hollow by the cats. Deputies-. ShadowClan camp/territory ShadowClan camp is a dip in the ground surrounded with bushes and pine trees. Warriors: The New Prophecy is the second arc in the Warriors juvenile fantasy novel series about cats, who live in 4 established clans and follow a code to keep the peace between them from breaking apart completely. Apprentices aren't usually allowed in this area unless a warrior invites them over. ShadowClan camp is located down into a large split in the earth. There are no rules, just pure exploration! Their founder, Thunder's, name came from the fact that he lived by the thunderpath. Anyway, here's Blackstar's den. ThunderClan territory is mainly woodland and their prey usually consists of voles, mice, squirrels and birds like starlings and thrushes. "There is this piece of fox dung!" She mew in a soft vois. This stream trickles down from the Moonpool, to ThunderClan's northeast. Guided by visions from StarClan of a lake . This recreation is presently in BETA. Description: A small, white flower with a large, yellow center. Landmarks in the ThunderClan territory: The Sky Oak, a large tree near the shore. Warrior cats lake territory map. A bit like a highway. Tom/tomcat - A male cat. "Moontail,we have no kits in the Clan.But it isn´t in Wind-Clan Camp yet. They kill you instantly if you come near them, so staying as far away as possible is a good idea. ERBOW: Snowfall vs. Blazingkit by AmazingFlowershroom. At the bottom of an old cliff, this camp is very well protected. 19: 160: Wed 15 Dec 2021 - 15:53 A thorn barrier guards the camp; any cat that wants to come in has to get past. Cats patrol the border frequently. -There's a network of tunnels below Thunderclan and Windclan grounds-An abandoned road lies in Thunderclan territory starting from the hollow and heading north. I lost my job because I was mistaken? The main idea comes from Erin Hunter author of warriors. Redtail, ThunderClan's deputy, soon realizes ThunderClan is badly outnumbered and orders the battle patrol to retreat. The camp itself is very clustered and hidden due to the small clearing size and how difficult it is to navigate through . The she cat walked towards the river silently and crouched. It must be done before Moonhigh after a new leader is appointed. Towards the north of their territory is an abandoned Twoleg nest and nearby is a small, old Thunderpath. North of the camp is an abandoned Twoleg nest, a location rich in prey and herbs. Please i need help here . Passive Bonus: +2 to clan Attacks. How can a cat live in Thunderclan if she makes one mistake? A fresh-kill pile is piled at the edge of the camp, filled with tasty prey. In the lake territories, ThunderClan's territory is deciduous forest, known to Twolegs as Hare Hill Woods. Lionblaze and Cinderheart pad to ThunderClan's Border . When ThunderClan refuses to comply, WindClan and ShadowClan launch an attack on ThunderClan, intending to infiltrate the camp and try to kill Brokentail themselves. North of the camp is an abandoned Twoleg nest, a location rich in prey and herbs. 12: 90: Tue 18 May 2021 - 11:28 Reaper King : Deputy Ceremonies Deputy appointing ceremonies for ThunderClan held here. A beech tree has fallen into it, and cats have rebuilt their camp around it. The territory also includes Twoleg places such as Windover Road and Chelford Forest. THE FACTORY. The prefix Shadow- was thought to have been given to the Clan im honor of Shadowstar, herself. ThunderClan camp. ShadowClan's forest territory is located in the further most northern region of the pine forest, the camp itself . WindClan Camp . This article is about the characters from the fantasy novel series Warriors by Erin Hunter. Hawks and eagles are always hungry for kits, and yet it is the food source which the tribe relies on. During greenleaf, the twolegs set up tents here. It was the first factory to fall when the Industrial Revolution died away, but the status it held can still be seen in . WindClan cats live on open moorland, with lots of space to run around. The entrance is through a thorn tunnel. At the bottom of an old cliff, this camp is very well protected. The camp is full of lush trees and streams full of fish. Going down the hole, it's a straight dark passageway. The walls around the camp are smooth, indicating Twolegs cut this place moons ago. She saved Graystripe from drowning in the river close to ThunderClan's border, and they soon fell in love. There is also one in ThunderClan territory by the lake. It is a large clearing enclosed by tall cliffs. The map below was used through books "Into the Wild - Dawn". The cliffs also help keep out the wind. 2 Aquali96. ThunderClan is a Clan that prefer to live in the precious woodland. On the edge of ThunderClan's territory that is opposite the lake, the clearing that marks the ShadowClan border gets wider. Camp enterance: This is the ShadowClan camp entrance. This can . So this is a flythrough of ThunderClan's camp in the old forest I made in Unreal EngineI tried to stick as closely as possible to the books' descriptions and. Worked with Wind, Shadow, River, and Sky to develop the Warrior Code. Which has a big branch. WindClan is one of the five warrior Clans in the series. Hello! A New Warriors Cats RPG center. ThunderClan Camp was in a cluster of bushes and, in the time of the early settlers, a gorge. Thunderclan camp is located in the heart of their maze-like forest in a small clearing that is hidden by grand oak trees and dense undergrowth that is nearly impossible for any non-Thunderclan cat to navigate through. ThunderClan is the main focal point of the novel series, with most of the main characters, whose point of view the novels are written from, living in ThunderClan. The edges of the ravine are surrounded by brambles and underbrush, effectively disguising the slice into the earth. The dens are placed around it. The Tribe of Rushing Water lives in the most unfavorable conditions. The southern half is moorland, giving home to RiverClan and WindClan. The founding leader Thunder, got his name from the Thunderpath, so by extension the name was thought to be given to the Clan. The camp is easy to defend and hard to attack. The ThunderClan forest territory is located in what Twolegs call the White Hart Woods. The main entrance is a large tunnel, with many other tunnels to exit to another cavern. 8/11/2014 12:24:40 pm. You can only enter it through a small hole that is carved out of twigs and branches, along with leaves and dried mud. It makes the ground rumble and leaves deep gullies that fill with muddy water. ThunderClan camp: Sheltered at the foot of a sandy ravine and well protected by thornbushes, this camp is hard to attac and easy to defend. The Clans ThunderClan The lake territory that ThunderClan resides in is know by the Twolegs as Hare Hill Woods. Great Sycamore: Its branches are thick and strong all the way to the ends. My name's Tawnypelt, and Blackstar asked me if I could give you a tour of the ShadowClan camp. The Lake territory for ThunderClan is called the Hare Hill Woods by Twolegs. After a short wile,the two cats are at the border. [edit] In the Field Guide Series [] [edit] Secrets of the Clans [] Squirrelflight gives the reader a tour of the ThunderClan lake camp. Also, this is the first map I've ever published, so cut me some slack if it's a bit sucky! Threads and Posts. Sunningrocks is a gaggle of rocks on the finish of ThunderClan territory close to RiverClan. They border SkyClan to the west and WindClan to the east, a stream forming the border with WindClan. i m troubled, I have NO idea how thunderClan lake camp is like can any of you describe it for me? (Can be used for hunting RPs, raids, patrols, etc.) Dens Leader's Den Warriors Den Apprentices Den Medicine Cats Den As a fan of the books I felt that there was a lack of detailed, high quality maps for roleplayers, so while not intended to be a 100% accurate recreation, this map will feature almost all of the important lake locations from the Warriors series, including the Tribe of Rushing Water's mountain, underground caverns, detailed Clan camps, etc. The ThunderClan camp at the lake is in an abandoned quarry, known as the 'stone hollow'. ThunderClan camp is in a stone hollow in the heart of ThunderClan Territory. The leader's den is in a cave in the rock which was carved out by an ancient stream. Mar 10, 2009, 1:27pm . A thorn barrier guards the camp; any cat that wants to come in has to get past. The Thunderpath separated ThunderClan and ShadowClan in the original Territories. Greenleaf Twolegplace - This part of land was given to ShadowClan . The Clans begin their journey to their new homes and finally arrive to the lake They explore and divide the territory, and find the Moonpool; Tigerstar's spirit urges Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost to take over the Clans Leafpool runs away with Crowfeather, but later returns Badgers attack the ThunderClan camp but retreat after WindClan warriors . How you can Make a Descriptive Warrior Cats Territory. The Owl Tree A massive oak tree that rests on a small patch of land. In the center of the land is where the fresh kill pile is. A group of feral cats known as ThunderClan are battling against their rival, RiverClan, by a river for control over a territory called Sunningrocks, to which both Clans have equal claim. Young apprentices learn to climb here and dare one . ThunderClan, led by their current leader, Firestar, tries to avoid battle and bloodshed at all cost, and try to remain peaceful. When prey is scarce Warriors could observe the owls to find prey. Their camp is located in an abandoned quarry with tall, dangerous cliffs enclosing it on all sides. The prey is scant, and the prey that is hunted can easily catch the hunters. Russetstar's Regret - Russetstar Auditions by AmazingFlowershroom. After exploring the barn, Firestar tells the cats his plan to attack them. New In the lake territories, ThunderClan now lives in a deciduous forest next to the lake. Dark grey cat with large, unblinking amber eyes. Applications are currently CLOSED! Lake Shore- Thunderclan has the north-eastern portion of the lake. The tall stone walls offer protection and keep out the wind, but falling into the hollow can be fatal. The problem is that it is dangerously close to the ThunderClan camp, so it is best not to enter the tile where the ThunderClan guards are. The ShadowClan lake camp is concealed between tangles of brambles and low-hanging branches, and is a dip beneath the pine trees. ThunderClan Territory Topics Posts. Later, at night, he leads the cats to the barn. The time of frozen water is long and dreadfully cold, and even eagles keep to their nests. Description: At the bottom of an old cliff, this camp is very well protected. The camp has big dens in it, where all of the cats sleep. February 1 2019 Authorised. ThunderClan Camp is the center of ThunderClan, being the place in which the cats of the Clan eat, sleep, hold all ceremonies (excluding Leadership ceremony), are healed, and almost always are born. The main entrance is through a thorn tunnel, though there is another passageway that is reached by climbing the rocks. Medicine cat name ceremonies for ThunderClan held here. Dens in the Original Game's camp are slightly different from New Prophecy's forest camp because New Prophecy's camp has dens that the player can actually enter. ThunderClan fight back fiercely, and drive the attacking cats from their territory, saving an ungrateful Brokentail from their wrath. This topic is currently marked as "dormant"—the last message is more than 90 days old. ShadowClan, a group of wild cats that make home in the wet marshlands and pines of the forest.Shadowstar, their founding leader, native to the mountains the Tribe formerly called home. You may have friendships with cats from another Clan, but shall not become mates Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory unless ordered from . You can revive it by posting a reply. They started an illicit romance that lasted from Fire and Ice to Forest . The nearby landmarks include Hareview Campsite, Abandoned Workman's House, Quarry Road, and the Quarry. News - A RPG based on the book series Warriors by Erin Hunter. Lightningtail, Owleyes (Owlstar) Owlstar-. ThunderClan Topics Posts Last updated; ThunderClan Camp(members only) ThunderClan camp is a ditch in the forest. In other thickets are the elder's and leader's den. The clan leader makes announcements from the highledge. If I Were A Bell (Flower Covers) by AmazingFlowershroom. In the camp, there is a nest of brambles which is where the nursery is. Fourtrees: 1/10 Space: 1/10 Since it is ThunderClan territory, there are many trees around the tile. In the books, rogues are cats who are hostile, and loners are neutral. The wa 1: 177 It is strongly reinforced. Camp is just north of the Ravine . Chervil. There is also a secret entrance that is reached by climbing the rocks. Squirrelflight jumps to her nephew's defense, saying even though Wildfur died, Briarlight might not. The walls around the camp are smooth, indicating Twolegs cut this place moons ago. Hi! It is protected by the edges of the ditch, and it has a soft sand floor. The warrior code is required for all clans, every cat needing to follow these rules or else, by the severity of what code they've broken, either get a punishment, warning, or banishment. Below is the first map all the Clan's lived at. Their camp is an abandoned Twoleg quarry, called the stone hollow by the cats. - A mossy clearing where apprentices train. Gaia Online is an online hangout, incorporating social networking, forums, gaming and a virtual world. As such, ThunderClan is the only Clan listed inside the novels' character pages, referred to as the Allegiances, to include every character, and not just those featured in the novel. They also sometimes hunt the occasional rabbit. ThunderClan camp: This symmetrical stone hollow, enclosed by towering cliffs or sheer stone left behind by Twolegs, was the obvious choice for ThunderClan's new camp. Please join us! The main entrance is through a thorn tunnel, and there is also a secret entrance by climbing the rocks, there is no other safe way in or out of the camp as the cliffs are too high. The camp is designed with easy escape spots and hiding places in mind in case of an ambush, and is also quite easy . Under the oak trees, birds, squirrels, and mice may be hunted. ThunderClan ThunderClan claims the northeastern part; their territory is mainly deciduous woodland. In this book, Firestar leads a patrol of ThunderClan cats to defeat the rogues who have taken over Barley and Ravenpaw's barn. You must follow a narrow winding path down the cliff side. Camp. ThunderClan territory is bordered by ShadowClan territory, WindClan territory, The Lake, and open forest which no cat owns. IvyStar * 24 moonss - * She cat - * ThunderClan- * Leader Ivystar smiled and whispered "okay" She was glad that she could help. They live in precious woodland, and are very comfortable hunting and fighting in the undergrowth. The cats of ThunderClan don't feel comfortable under an open sky, so their territory is perfect for them. This is the medicine cat's den. The main entrance is through a thorn tunnel. She smiled a bit and studied the way the fish darted, then dipped the tip of her tail into the water. Description: A sweet-smelling plant with large, leafy, fern-like leaves and small white flowers. It was revealed by Vicky Holmes at her Georgia . It works best when graphics are on fast (which I know sounds weird, but trust me the dens look better). At the barn, he gives out orders to set up a camp and hunt. It was explained and in front of every book had a small picture of the map. The camp is well-protected by the side of a cliff wall with a thorn barrier surrounding it. During newleaf and leaffall, water accumulated in pools around the hill. Twoleg landmarks nearby include the Hareview Campsite, Abandoned Workman's House, Quarry Road, and the Quarry.Landmarks here include: Camp - The camp is well protected by the side of a cliff, and surrounded by a thorn barrier. Twoleg - A human, but some other cats like kittypets or Purdy (A former kittypet who became a loner who later on joined ThunderClan) call humans housefolk or upwalkers. They can go where they please, but they are at risk of being attacked anywhere. The cliffs also help keep out the wind. This is an in character page for Sanctuary Lake Wiki, meaning this page is affiliated with roleplaying. The walls around the camp are smooth, indicating Twolegs cut this place moons ago. Camp Territory. The Lost Kits - Flower's Auditions by AmazingFlowershroom. A mossy clearing where apprentices train. Abandoned Twoleg nest: A good place for prey and an excellent source of herbs.It has an ominous, empty feeling and seems ready to fall down at any moment. The Lake territory for ThunderClan is called the Hare Hill Woods by Twolegs. If Huntstar does not forgive me, I will leave this wretched clan The cliff also help keep out the wind. Last Posts. There is only one way into this camp that only the Thunderclan cat's know of. As such, they are not bound by the same rules as Clan cats. ThunderClan is a mainly peaceful Clan, respectful of the other Clans as well. please? 20: 196: Fri 5 Nov 2021 - 10:26 Ash : Elder Ceremonies Ceremonies for cat's retiring to Elders held for . Two smaller streams flow into the lake from . This is a recreation of the lake territory from the Warriors novels by Erin Hunter. Lake Shore - ThunderClan has the north-eastern portion of the lake. The leader makes their announcements from a branch hanging over their den, called the Pinebranch. ThunderClan Territory ThunderClan is fierce, brave, strong and loyal. This is the Territories page, here you can find information on how the territory looks like and what prey you can find in each territory. A mossy clearing where apprentices train. Tallpines: Watch out for the Twoleg tree-eater! Tour Of The Lake Territory: By Tawnypelt. The hollow is protected from wind and rain by the large cliff. ThunderClan's territory is mostly an oak tree forest. There is a small stream running through it and a tall rock that forms the Highrock. Warriors Wiki. • The Camp • This is where the ThunderClan Camp is. I don't have one drop of ShadowClan blood in me- I was born pure ThunderClan. Board Information & Statistics. However, no real difference is made in-game . If you keep going through the main entrance, you will come across the largest cavern, the camp. The Show centers around Four Clans that live in the Wild much like the Book series, It isn't much different from the books. Alabanza (a song about Hurricane Maria) by AmazingFlowershroom. 18 Comments Squirrelheart . Apr 26, 2009, 9:18am . Lake shore - ThunderClan has the north-eastern portion of the lake. Folow me,it´s at the Thunder-Clan border!" Shadowstrip jump and run out of the Camp, folowing her own sence trail. The ThunderClan territory is near thick bushes and forests where there is plenty of cover and prey. I Contents 1 Dens and the Uses 1.1 Apprentice's Den 1.2 Warrior's Den It's a moderately steep climb to get down to camp. This is a fun interactive website that is safe and no personal information is given out. Warrior Cats Lake Territory. Of course I said yes. It also includes that she found the camp by falling over the side of the hollow, but thankfully, she wasn't hurt. ThunderClan cats hunted mostly mice, squirrels, birds, and the occasional rabbit. A missed paw step can lead to one falling to their death . Greenleaf Twolegplace. Location: Grows better on ThunderClan's territory, though it also grows on RiverClan's territory. ThunderClan Camp is now in an abandoned quarry. Windclan camp: the camp is in the center of their territory in a ditch between the hills.The camp is surrounded by thick bushes and heather. I, the owner won't even know your real name unless you tell me! Here are the landmarks in ThunderClan territory: - The Sky Oak, a large tree near the shore. ThunderClan camp is the center of ThunderClan territory, where all of the cats in the Clan sleep and eat. This is a discord-based RP about the five Clans from the books, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, RiverClan, and SkyClan! Landmarks in the ThunderClan territory: The Sky Oak, a large tree near the shore. You can find them . Border skirmishes happen here, especially if a cat accedently chases prey over the border, although some cats are touchy when cats are too close to their borders, mainly ShadowClan. The Warrior Code: Defend your Clan, even with your life. Founder of ThunderClan. Twoleg paths: Twolegs mark their paths with shiny blue markers! The arc comprises six novels which were published from 2005 to 2006: Midnight, Moonrise, Dawn, Starlight, Twilight, and Sunset.The novels are published by HarperCollins under the . Beware however, for an owl nests here. The Tunnels: Under Windclan there is a tunnel system that connects Thunderclan and Windclan.These tunnels are rarely used and its unknown if the new clan cats are aware of these tunnels. Windclan:Windclan territory is open moor and is in the southeastern part of the territory. There were luckily enough for the whole clan. Lichen covers the entrance. I later joined ShadowClan because it was my true Clan. There is a main stream that joins a smaller one, and on that triangle of land, RiverClan's camp resides. Known Camps [] By the Lake [] ThunderClan [] The ThunderClan Lake Camp is in an abandoned quarry, described as a stone hollow enclosed by tall cliffs. Landmarks in this territory include: Camp - It lies at the foot of a sandy ravine, protected by thornbushes. 1 Aquali96. The Clearing This is the clearing. Located across from the camp entrance, this tangle of brambles and other plants serves as the perfect place for hard-working warriors. Sep 12, 2021 at 10:53pm. ThunderClan's lake territory forms the northeast corner of the Clan territory around the lake, and is similar to their forest territory. This is the main entrance. This Clan is the fastest Clan in all of the forest/lake. - July 25 2013. Their camp is an abandoned Twoleg quarry, called the stone hollow by the cats. C A M P WindClan cats live on the Windover Moor, next to the Windover Farm. Location: Can be found in Twoleg gardens. The last notable feature in the camp is a fern tunnel that leads to a crack in a rock. It is a wad of brambles that has a small tunnel going through it, making it hard for any attackers to charge into the camp. ThunderClan is a group of cats that live in a part of the forest that is primarily deciduous woodland. Silverstream was a pretty silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes, and she was the daughter of Crookedstar, a RiverClan leader. Life is peaceful for SkyClan, the lone Clan of the gorge-until a massive rockfall destroys their camp and forces them to find a new home. The northern half is covered by woodland and it gives home to ShadowClan and ThunderClan. It's either they are granted access, or killed. Chamomile. Landmarks here include: Camp - The camp is well protected by the side of a cliff, and surrounded by a thorn barrier. Twoleg landmarks nearby include the Hareview Campsite, Abandoned Workman's House, Quarry Road, and the Quarry. But I've added a couple things myself! A barrier guards the camp; any cat that wants to come in has to get past. Warrior cats The ANIMATED Series is a TV show that premiered on Cartoon Network on June 3rd, 2005 with the first episode titled "Into the Wild" Based on the first few chapters of the first book of the same name. Is a small, old thunderpath, ShadowClan, WindClan, RiverClan, and Sky to the. The Owl tree a massive Oak tree that rests on a small patch land. 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