It can also be used with comfrey to . Wolfang15. BORAGE LEAVES - To be chewed and eaten. The berries are chewed and eaten, they help bellyache, give strength, soothes troubles breathing, and helps calm cats down. The medicine cat then grips the patient's leg in the jaws and gives quick pull. Sweeten Herbs - Use necter, honey or mouse blood. A medicine cat will do anything in his or her power to save an injured or ill cat. Warrior Cats Roleplay Herbs :) - Animaljamaa. It can also be used in kitting. Contents 1 Alder Bark 2 Beech Leaves 3 Blackberry Leaves 4 Borage Leaves 5 Burdock Root 6 Burnet 7 Catchweed 8 Catmint 9 Calendine 10 Chamomile 11 Chervil 12 Chickweed 13 Cob Nuts 14 Cobweb 15 Coltsfoot 16 Comfrey Root 17 Daisy Leaf 18 Dandelion 19 Dock 20 Fennel They are prickly, green leaves from a Blackberry bush. It had not been his time to die. Location: Along rivers, ponds, marshes, wet woodland, and streams. wounds that are clear of infection to speed healing. Mothstar is multicolored with splashes of brown, white, ginger, and black. stops infections. Medicine cats wrap it around an injury to soak up the blood and keep the wound clean. Burdock Root. Gravity. Effect: For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. A medicine cat may be trained in as a warriors before a medicine cat, but a medicine cat cannot become a normal warrior. Usage: Chewing alder bark eases toothache; alder leaves with morning dew can attract fleas from a nest and be disposed of. Warrior Cat Herbs. Forums Warriors RPG Warrior Code, Battle Moves and Herb List. Goldenrod: This herb is used in poultices to treat aching joints and stiffness. Tansy: Cures coughs, wounds, poisons, and stops a cat from getting greencough. It is a cave with a opening at the top. All herbs, locations, usages, techniques, etc were found on the Warriors Wiki and in the official book. Can build up appetite. Soothes sore throats. Alder Bark: This is good for healing toothaches. Best Treatment: Pull the thorn(s) out immediately!Then treat the wound. Wounds can be caused by something as sudden as cuts, burn, fall, etc. randomize ⚄︎ . Herbs and Their Uses - Warrior Cats Herbs and Their Uses Herbs and their uses: Alder Bark Beech Leaves Bindweed Blackberry Leaves Borage Leaves Burdock Root Burnet Catchweed Catmint/Catnip It is. Alder bark. This is the medicine den. There are some rules that don't apply to medicine cats, some that do, and some rules that aren't even in the Code made specifically for medicine cats.Let's take a look at what rules our clan's healers do and don't have to follow. Known . There are SEVERAL herbs used in Warriors. Herb Storage. This can happen to kits when they play too hard or an apprentice/warrior trying too hard as well. You will also need a pretty strong connection with. Feverfew- Used to cool fevers and helps with head pain. This herb gives a cat strength. Juniper Berries A bush with spiky dark green leaves and purple berries. Warrior cats medicine herbs guide. Medicine Cat Herbs & Cures. ^^Intro by - Blue the Cat: http. Makes a cat fall asleep. His dark gray fur was stained red, the wound in his neck had finally stopped bleeding. 2. She is very tall and muscular. Coltsfoot - Good for shortness of breath and kitten cough. Find out which herbs are safe for cats (and may even benefit them! for broken legs and wounds. Write. The only remedy for ticks, mouse bile is foul smelling, and is stored in moss. 15. STUDY. The pain can be eased with poppy seeds or willow bark. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory. Chervil Leaves: Chervil Leaves are also for infected wounds and for preventing them. Alfalfa: This is used to prevent tooth decay. Poppy seeds-used to numb pain and make a cat very sleepyCobwebs - used to stop bleeding Feverfew - used to cool feverish cats and treat head pain Borage leaves - used to treat fevers and helps nursing mothers with their milk supply Marigold - used to treat infection and heal wounds and sores Horsetail -used to treat infected wounds Burdock root - used to treat infections . Pet parents may be surprised to learn that there are a number of herbs safe for cats. It is applied to bites and cures infection. Can also be used during . com/wiki/Herbs -. May also be chewed by a cat with a toothache to reduce pain, swelling, and aid in preventing complications. To dry up queens milk. A small dusky green plant with small leaves that help with bellyache. CHAMOMILE When she attacks RiverClan along with several other cats, she fights strongly. 14. Use the gel inside of leaves to cure skin problems or burns. PLAY. Sunday, August 15, 2010 Marigold Used for stop infections (Petals and leaves). Because of their close connection with StarClan, these special healing cats often hold different allegiances and ideals than most normal cats. toothaches. + Water Therapy - Have a cat with weak or hurting muscles or bone wade in water, eventually they'll get stronger. Medicine cat den. This very painful! (Yellow or Orange flowers that grows low to the ground). This herb is used to treat fevers. Used to prevent tooth decay. Catmint is a delicious-smelling, leafy plant, found in Twoleg gardens. Have you ever wanted to act like a medicine cat from Warrior cats? Ivy Leaf ShadowClan cats use this to store other herbs. In no way do we claim to own this material. Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition Herb Guide. ALOE VERA Use the gel inside of leaves to cure skin problems or burns. Disclaimer: Credit goes to the Warriors Wiki. Stinging Nettle: Induces vomiting, brings down swelling, mixed with comfrey to heal broken bones, helps with wounds, and chewing the stem helps stop infection. Foxglove Leaves ~ used on deep wounds to stop bleeding quickly. Alder Bark Alder Bark eases toothaches. Sunday, August 15, 2010 Yarrow (Leaves) Used for wounds or to expel poison. 3. CATCHWEED Burrs can be used to help hold treatment onto a cat. Blackberry Leaves. Feverfew is found only in WindClan territory, and is used to lower fevers. Use the gel inside of leaves to cure skin problems or burns. Official Account for Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition on Roblox COMMUNITY DISCORD: https . 2. Top herbs for healing wounds - "Mother Earth's medicine chest is full of healing herbs of incomparable worth." This couldn't be truer when you are struggling to heal a wound that just won't go away. 12. Medicine cats always have to remember to wash their paws in a body of water, such as a creek or stream . Chickweed This also treats greencough. Goosegrass: This herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound. Jul 20, 2015 - These are the herbs used by medicine cats of the Warriors series. Daisy: For sore backs, a traveling herb, for joints Foxglove Seeds. Broom - Chew into poultice and apply to broken limbs or wounds to stop infection & help them heal. It is the bark of an alder tree, gray-ish brown in color. Here are some herbs for some Med Cats! MEDICINE CATS, CLAN RIVALRIES, AND THE WARRIOR CODE When it comes to medicine cats and the Warrior Code, things get a little funky. A medicine cat must know everything there is to know about herbs. A bright red single flowering plant that puts a cat to sleep. Blackberry Leaves Used to ease the swelling of bee stings. Lamb's Ear. Created by. Her sister is Shadowheart of RiverClan. The juice of the leaves can be used for infected wounds, and chewing the roots helps with bellyache. If accidentally swallowed, can leave a horrible taste in mouth for days . Borage Leaves are blue and pink star shaped flowers with hairy leaves. She was in the medicine cat den a lot. Poppy seeds - used to numb pain and make a cat very sleepy Catmint - For white cough and Green cough. Kit roles are usually infinite as long as there are queens. Warrior Code: 1. Report Item. 4. Stinging nettle - Stinging nettle's spiny green seeds are given to a cat that's swallowed poison, and the leaves can be applied to a wound to bring down swelling. D borage leaves increases milk in queens. Burdock Watermint: Helps with Bellyaches Nightshade. A medicine cat's main job is to heal their fellow Clanmates from their wounds. If you're in a hurry, below is the table of herbs and what they are used for. Spiderwebs can be found all over the forest; be careful not to bring along the spider when you take the web! 1 Ash (Tree): Used to stave off poison effect of an adder or viper bite. Then the poppy seed should really be taking effect, causing the patient to not be able to think straight and stagger. Match. . A sharp click should be heard and the injured cat should respond to this with a yowl and a struggle. Much has . Medicine Cats & the Warrior Code. This, of course, will sting. Borage Leaves. Medicine cats of the clans often ask for herbs for quests. The leaves can be used to treat infected wounds.Usually chewed up and applied as a poultice. Lives: 9. Lavender A small purple flowering plant. Test. About Cats Herbs Warrior . Reduces swelling and prevents infection when chewed and applied to a wound. See more ideas about herbs, plants, planting flowers. collected in autumn and stored in a dry place. Catmint/Catnip - Eat to help cure Whitecough or Greencough.Fresh leaves work best, as the juice is what heals. Lick Fur - clean wounds, bring down shock, and warm a cold cat (lick fur the wrong way) Moss Soaked in Water - sick or injured or weak cats can drink, and can be used to cool feverish cats. Alder Bark. (Tall plant with small white flowers). Sweet-Sedge: Eases infection. If accidentally swallowed, can leave a horrible taste in mouth for days. Best This is fantastically arranged! Rosemary, Mint - This is used to lighten the death-scent of a dead cat before burial. Used to prevent tooth decay. 6. The leaves are used to bring down the swelling on a wound. WATER MINT: Used to help cure bellyaches. Medicine Cat Herbs & Cures. 1 Water Soaking - Hold swelling wound in cold water, it takes down swelling and also soothes scraped pads. May also be chewed by a cat with a toothache to reduce pain, swelling, and aid in preventing complications. infections, smoke damaged or sore throat, and it helps cats swallow other herbal mixtures. ALFALFA Used to prevent tooth decay. Borage increases milk in queens and brings down fevers. Flashcards. A medicine cat will never let personal feelings in the way of his or her duties. 3. ASH (TREE) They have many ways of doing so, mostly through herbs and berries kept in the medicine cat's herb store inside their den. Here is a list of them and their cures: ALDERReduces swelling and prevents infection when chewed and applied to a wound. Dec 21, 2016 - Explore DISCO PANDA's board "Medicine Cat Herbs", followed by 699 people on Pinterest. Age: 60 moons (5 years) Mate: None. A tall plant with bristly stems that grows in marshy areas. What is Birch Sap used for? Foxglove Cloves ~ for purging toxins from the body; forces you to throw up the toxins. Applied to infected wounds to cleanse them." Feverfew Settles fevers Moors A herb found in WindClan territory, with yellow flowers and a . Ferns ~ cleans out wounds. Usually applied as a poultice or eaten. Medicine cats wrap it around an injury to soak up the blood and keep the wound clean. The cat must get the bone set back in it's proper position; usually a very skilled medicine cat will set it. They are chewed and eaten. How exciting is that (not when I lost my pets)!? )—and which ones to avoid. or after some infection and surgery. 11. She thought grimly, he should of served his clan for many more moons. A medicine cat's job is mainly to heal wounds and sickness from their clan mates. There can only be one medicine cat, unless the medicine cat apprentice becomes a full medicine cat. Feaverfew: This herb is used to cool feverish cats and treat headaches. Rosemary, Mint - used to lighten the death-scent of a dead cat before burial. ShadowClan cats use this to store other herbs in. Can also be used during . "A plant with healing qualities. Stick: Distracts cats from pain. Read up on the herbs and how they work. If it is anything else, the cat is told to lie very still. eases the swelling of bee stings. Warrior Cats Herbs Here, you can learn all about the Herbs the cats use. Herb Description. Burdock Root is a tall-stemmed, sharp-smelling thistle with dark leaves. borage leaves. Juniper Berries. It can happen in battle, also. Spell. Herbs are what are used by medicine cats to heal the sick and injured cats. It has been noted by Erin Hunter that these remedies should never be used on pet cats, and that sick pets should be seen to by a vet instead. Description: Dark fissured bark, often covered in lichen, with rounded leaves and green/yellow catkins . She is shown stealing Leafkit, who she will return later out of guilt. Chervil The juices are chewed out of the root or leaves. PLAY. flowering plant, like a dandelion, with yellow or white flowers. Tansy flower consumed to stop coughing. This is where the medicine cats and their apprentices sleep. May also be chewed by a cat with a toothache to reduce pain, swelling, and aid in preventing complications. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle. "A plant with healing qualities. Medicine cats are outside Clan and Clan rivalry. Our medicine cat is Fireleaf, so if you have a question about herbs or wounds, you can ask him. Kits, warrior apprentices, medicine cat apprentices, warriors, medicine cats, queens, elders, deputies, and leaders. Goldenrod: Put on wounds Holly Berries. STUDY. Has broad shiny leaves. leaves chewed into pulp to help with shortness of breath. Posted by Goldenfeather at 3:04 PM Newer Post Older Post Home Herbs have many culinary and medicinal benefits—and not just for humans! Test. 1/25/2018 c2. Bark from an alder tree is good for healing toothaches. Roots may be chewed and applied to a wound to draw infection from it. Applied to scars and wounds." Horsetail Heals infections Marshes A herb found in ShadowClan territory, with green leaves and a green stem. Reduces swelling and prevents infection when chewed and applied to a wound. chewed into a pulp and applied to wounds; stops infection. A bit of comfrey root is chewed up and laid over the wound. calms anxiety, frayed nerves; treats shock. USEFUL HERBS. blackberry leaves. Reduces swelling and prevents infection when chewed and applied to a wound. Thyme - Thyme is used to calm a cat is Nervous or full of anxiety. Smell can be masked by wild garlic, or by washing paws in running water. Sick! Shadowfeather is a slender black she-cat with a gray splash on her nose and amber eyes. See more ideas about herbs, warrior cats, warrior cat. broom. Lavender It is also respectful. Great for nursing queens as it helps increase their supply of milk. Warrior Cats Herbs Here, you can learn all about the Herbs the cats use. They have many ways of doing so, mostly through herbs and berries throughout the medicine cat of their Clan's store. Medicne cats often do not have to fully obey the traditional warrior code. Warrior Cats: Medicine Cat Herbs. 5 (2012-09-11): The 25% speed increase granted by Cat Form should no longer stack with the speed increase of Dash. It also helps nursing queen…. Medicine Cat Herbs: 1. Effect: For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. 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